RIP Childhood

Anonymous  •  Colorado  •  13


I got my first period not that long ago. I knew about them and what they were; my mom was very enthusiastic about making sure I knew all the details. But one thing I did not know is that the blood could be brownish. I was sitting on the toilet thinking I pooped myself. I sat on the toilet for at least 30 minutes before I decided I was just going to go about my daily life.

First Period Stories

For the WHOLE day I walked around the house and school terrified that I was going to die and this was just the start. The next day I finally got the courage to tell my mom and she gave me the whole "welcome to womanhood" speech. I was just relieved!!

This is not the most exciting story, but I want all the girls out there to know that anything can happen and they should prepare for everything!

First Period Stories