Lighter Day. Darker Color.

Kate E  •  Washington  •  31


It was a Saturday morning, December 4, 1999 (I know, crazy that I remember the date, right??) and I woke up already feeling pretty grown up because I was going to take the PSAT that day at the local university. I went to the bathroom, wiped and noticed the toilet paper had a dark brown streak on it! What?? I figured out it was my period ... but ... it was brown?? Weird!! I had a surge of excitement and pride as I pulled up my pajama pants and strolled to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Kate E First Period Story

I proudly announced to my mom that I had gotten my period and she immediately asked me, "Did you put in a pad? I left them under your bathroom sink, remember?" As I ate my cereal, I matter-of-factly responded, "Nah, I don't think I need it. It's a lighter day." LIKE I KNEW.

I finished my Cheerios, went back to the bathroom and to my dismay, there was blood ALL over my pajamas. Later during the break of the PSATs, I went to the bathroom and fumbled with my pads and was trying to figure out how to replace it without making a mess, and I remember a drop of blood falling onto the bathroom floor and I was just a clumsy mess. Didn't feel so proud after that.

Kate E First Period Stories