Didn't Get It From My Mama

Kathy  •  Michigan  •  58


It was around 1972, I was riding a bike when I felt the cramps and then the wetness in my panties. I went home and panicked in the bathroom. I stuffed toilet paper into my crotch then found my mom. She handed me a belt and huge sanitary napkin and said “put this on.” I was clueless and she was not generous with information or compassion. I was crying and said “what is this?” She said, “it’s your period!.”

Kathy First Period Story

I asked if everyone had it. She said eventually. I asked “even boys?” She said of course not. It was years before I understood fully what was happening to my body. It was a health class in high school actually. 

Not all mothers are kind and compassionate. I have three daughters and I spent time leading up to their first cycle talking about it, preparing them. When it started, I gifted them a self care box that included their favorite things and feminine supplies. I gave them what I didn’t get.

Kathy First Period Stories