Death By Period

Rachel M •  New South Wales, Australia  •  33


I may be considered a late bloomer as it was a week before my 17th birthday when I finally got my period. I was an avid reader of Dolly and assumed I knew everything and was somewhat prepared as I particularly loved reading the stories covered in Dolly Doctor… WOW was I wrong!

I went to the toilet, pain free - just to do a wee and as I was cleaning up, I noticed the toilet paper covered in blood. I screamed! I honestly thought I was about to breathe my last breath. I remember thinking that that was too much blood to be a period and obviously something inside me had ruptured and death was inevitable. Tears were streaming down my face. As educated as I thought I was - I had no idea what was happening.

Rachel M First Period Story

Mum found me in an emotional mess, slumped on the toilet. I told her to call an ambulance and she told me 'congratulations darling, you have your period.' She handed me a tampon. I looked at it... what the f@#k am I meant to do with that? (insert awesome teenage attitude) I out right refused to insert anything inside me because I could not wrap my head around that at all at that stage. Then I was given a pad. I was more comfortable with that idea. I placed it on my undies, pulled them up and cried even more as it felt like I had an inflatable mattress between my legs.

And that was MY first period story.

Rachel M First Period Stories

Fake It To Make It

Addi S •  Illinois  •  13


Okay so basically, when I was 11 I was the stupid young girl that thought it would be cool to have a period. So I actually waited and hoped that I would get it. One day I started having cramps and when I sat down on the toilet, I bled. Long story short, my mom told me I got my period and I thought I did. However for the next few months I never got anything again, so I kinda faked it for a year.

Addi S First Period Story

When I was 12, I actually got it for the first time and freaked out. Of course, I couldn’t tell my mom because she thought I had had it for a year. So needless to say while I faked it I had only used those teeny tiny liners because I didn’t actually need anything but now I needed to use pads, and big ones for overnight.

I think my mom was a little confused when I insisted that we had to go to the store to get a bunch of bog pads all of the sudden, but she didn’t ask questions. Now I hate my period and I wonder why I thought it would be cool.

Addi S First Period Stories

An A+ Best Friend

Taia M •  Ohio  •  13


Well, my story is pretty embarrassing. I was sitting doing state testing in 7th grade and I felt something wet come out of me. I thought I just peed or something like that, but when I got up a pool of blood was on my chair.

Taia M First Period Story

My crush was right behind me and my teacher was a male. My best friend got me a towel and I wiped it up before anyone (that I know of) saw it. Then my bestie also gave me her cardigan to put around my waist. <3

Taia M First Period Stories