Showered in Blood

Channy M •  Ohio  •  18


So I was getting ready to go in the shower and I started to wipe. It was kinda brown and I thought it was a wet fart type of situation, but no...

Channy M First Period Story

Once I got out of the shower, blood was just everywhere. Then I knew that it was my period.

Channy M First Period Stories

Support System

Anonymous (submitted by a friend) •  Chennai, India  •  23


I am a man. I don’t have any experience but i’ll share my friend’s story that was shared with me.

My friend is a muslim girl and she was very close to her grandmother. The day she passed away was her first bleeding found by her mom. The thing is, family members wouldn't even allow her to see her grandma before the last moment.

First Period Stories

So her mother gave access to her. She kept her with her and finally made her day complete. In a random community, people still have humanity. For your first bleed, you should always have pride. It’s not unclean or a crime. I love to be a son of women in the world.

First Period Stories

The World is Testing Me

Elizabeth B •  England  •  14


So I was setting up for my SAT exam, little 10 year old me, and I felt this sudden urge to pee. So as you do, I went to pee just before the exam started.

Elizabeth B First Period Story

Sadly though, it wasn't the normal yellowy clear stuff you normally piss out. Instead, there lay a massive puddle of blood... everywhere.

Elizabeth B first period stories