Walking to Womanhood

Sara M •  Missouri •  22

I was 10 years old. I didn't have a mom around to tell me anything. Any female people around me were all kinda stuck up and hush hush about everything. So I knew absolutely nothing. I hadn't heard anything from school yet, I knew nothing about what was going on.

So, one day at school I had the worst headache I had ever had and couldn't focus on my work. I kept asking the teacher if she could do anything but since I didn't have any medicine in the school she couldn't help me. Finally, we went to the bathroom as a class before lunch and when I wiped I saw bright red blood. I completely freaked out thinking I was actually dying since blood should not appear out of the body, especially there.

Sara M first period story

So I go back to the classroom only to find nobody there. Goody two-shoes that I was, instead of running terrified down to my teacher or the nurse, I fast walked without breaking rules to tell my teacher. She calmed me down and I called both my parents and told them what had happened.

After school, I called my mom again and before I could say anything "HI WOMAN!!!!!!!!" came out of her mouth. Absolutely mortified for the day.

Sara M first period stories