The Show Must Go On

Cassie B •  Plymouth, UK •  30


I remember too well when I first started my period. I was at my dance show and was experiencing stomach cramps. I never said or did anything…the show must go on!

Around 2am that night I woke desperately needing the bathroom. When I pulled my pants down, to my horror, I saw blood. I was 10 years old. We just started learning about periods at school and I was the first girl to start their period in my class.

I remember shouting out to my mum. Mum didn’t wake but I heard my nan coming in asking what was wrong. I shouted “I’m bleeding I’m bleeding!”

Cassie B First Period Story

My nan laughed and said "don't worry, you are starting your period." Then shouted out to my mum.... "your daughter is becoming a young lady in here haha!"

My mum and nan made sure I had all the things I needed and brought snacks and a hot water bottle to me throughout the next day.

I had the next day off school because I was in so much pain. I had cramps for over a week... Little did I know this was the start of my endometriosis journey. I remember all my friends asking me, "what is it like? Do you feel like a woman?" The truth was I hated it because it brought me so much pain.

Cassie B First period stories