Scared & Scarred

Anonymous  •   Pakistan  •  20


I was 13 when I got my first period...I was so scared as my mom never told me about this and the only (myths) I knew from my class-fellows was it’s this unstoppable bleeding... I was so scared, I used a lot of toilet paper and I washed my clothes by myself. After a few days, the period stops but I was scared. What if it starts bleeding anytime, anywhere...

First Period Stories

I got home from school and it starts again for the second time. That time I told my mom in a very scared manner, and she briefs me on everything...

I want to raise awareness to all the moms out there. Please don’t be embarrassed talking to your daughter about this. And if you think it’s a shame, then well, it’s much less of a shame when there isn’t a spot on the clothes which everyone sees in the public...

First Period Stories