Ready, Not Ready

Kate J •  Romania •  16


I got my period while I was at home. I wanted to take a bath and while I was getting ready, I saw blood. I panicked and kept telling myself "no way this is my period." Then "I got my period!" because I felt kinda left out that all of my friends had it. I took a bath, texted my sister and put a pad on.

The next day, there wasn't anything, but I was afraid to tell my mom. Later that day, I went for a walk with my dad and when I came back, I saw spotting. The next day, my sister told my mom because I was too scared and then she taught me how to correctly apply the pad. She wanted to give me "the talk" but she ended up telling me that I am old enough and that I know what happens (I did know).

Kate J first period story

The next few days, my period was just a bit heavier and I had pretty light cramps and then it ended. Or so I thought. One week later, my period came again AND IT WAS A HELLA LOT. I told my mom and she was like, "umm, just put a pad on," and that's what I did.

The next day, when I woke up, my bedsheet and my pants were STAINED even though I had a pad on. I was freaking out, but luckily my mom was calm. My period lasted about a week and I stained my clothes almost everyday. I just wanted it to end.   I was wondering what the hell I was thinking when I said I wanted to get this shit which makes me bleed 7 days a month and makes my body hurt?! I mean, I don't even want babies!!

Overall, it wasn't that bad. My friends that already had theirs helped me and gave me advice. I used Flo to track it and I learned some things from secret chats and also from the Internet. The most important thing you need to know is DON'T USE HOT WATER WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO REMOVE STAINS!!

Kate J first period stories