Pool Party FOMO

Kate W.  •  New York  •  29


I think I was 12 years old... it was the summer and I had a flute lesson in the morning and then was going to my friend's house to go swimming in her pool that afternoon. I got home from my flute lesson and went to the bathroom and saw the bloody mess in my underwear! I yelled, "MOOOOMMMMMMM" and she came running and I told her I thought I got my period.


She confirmed that was the case and asked how I felt as she started to take out a big bulky pad. I said, "MOM! I'm going to a pool party!! Show me how to use a tampon!!" and she couldn't believe I wanted to still go to the pool party, haha! I have serious FOMO so there was no way I was missing out on a pool party because of my lousy period. So, I successfully used a tampon and had a blast of a day!
