Not My Pajamas

Ally T •  Nova Scotia •  15

I arrive at my age of almost 15 quite concerned I would never get my period and something was wrong. I always forgot to bring it up at the doctor. I didn’t want it because I knew it was death but I wanted to know I was okay. It was a few days after Christmas so we were busy the past few days. I got a bath the night before so I just threw on a pair of pajama pants and I was washing all of my underwear. The next day, I was sitting on the floor with my cat and something didn’t feel right. I looked in shock to see it. It wasn’t much so I was praying on Google that it was my period and not cancer or an ulcer.

Here's the really bad news though. I was wearing my sisters pajama pants and she was 9. I didn’t know what to do with myself because it stained. I was happy to not get it at school but this felt worse. I was panicking and my cat thought I was insane. I went to the bathroom to try to clean up but it randomly stopped and then it came back. I also took off my new sweater so it wouldn’t get ruined.


My mom had said I am supposed to tell her when I finally get it. But that night I didn’t and went along as normal. I hid my sisters pants. It was uncomfortable but quite light. Then at midnight, I went to the bathroom and I texted my mom acting like I had just saw my period. She was sleeping and then I went to bed. The next morning, I woke up and my door was open and I knew that my mother got the message and knew what was going on. She helped me but she still doesn’t know about the pants situation. I was freaking out and thought it could never get worse but then the next time everything completely sucked. I’ve stained a lot more stuff but my sister’s pants are forever hidden.
