Meter Reading: Period

Rianna H •  Saskatchewan, Canada •  13

I was at home sitting down. I had had a couple cramps before, but nothing quite like this. It wasn't too bad but still... yah. I went and got an Advil pretending nothing had happened. I was just standing in the kitchen when I felt something trickling into my underwear. I went to the bathroom just to see if it was what I thought it was, and sure enough it was.

I still hate pads because I always think they sound like diapers. I have only had 1 period so far, but I didn't have to tell my mom because I had super sore muscles everywhere for a few days. She finally said that you can have sore muscles when you are on your period and asked me if I had started mine and when. So yah that was great.

Rianna H first period stories

I kind of thought it was coming because I am diabetic so periods and puberty effect my blood sugar (or Blood Glucose Level 4 for those who don't know what that is). We had been watching it closely and it was going up at the same time every month so I was prepared. And that is my story I guess. I have just started my second period this week... Here goes nothing :D

Rianna H first period story