Doctor's Diagnosis

Joanna L •  Illinois  •  28


My first period was preceded by a round of nightmare cramps (the first of many). We were covering long division in my 4th grade class and gradually, my cramps became more and more painful as class went on until the numbers all blurred together on the chalkboard and I was afraid I was going to throw up and/or pass out.

I went to the nurse and based on the location and severity of the pain, she was sure it had to be appendicitis.

My very worried grandparents picked me up and met my even more worried mom at a nearby hospital, where I underwent a CT scan.

Joanna L First Period Story

When the doctor came back to the room with the results, he happily announced that it was not appendicitis, but rather I was about to start my first period! He then helpfully pointed out the blood clots in my uterus and explained that I was suffering severe pre-menstrual cramps that would go away soon, but may come back every month.

Oh, how right he was. Thank god for birth control, to which I owe 15 years of relatively cramp-free periods!

Joanna L First Period Stories