Congrats & Goody Bags

Julie R.  •  Indiana  •  23


Ever since the "talk" in 5th grade, I was anxious to embark on a wonderful journey to womanhood... or so I thought. The goody bag they gave us afterwards had pantyliners, tampons, and deodorant. They should have called it a puberty starter kit. By the beginning of middle school, most of my friends had gotten theirs. I was excited for them, especially because I showed them how a tampon worked after researching them for my own knowledge and using the ones from the goody bag to examine. When my time came, I was at school. Middle school that is, as if it couldn't get worse.


I bought time with some toilet paper. Little did I know, toilet paper would be a trick to keep forever when you're desperate. After school, I called my mom. She had recently had a hysterectomy, so the house was bone dry of feminine products. I thought I might as well be honest with her so she can help me. Next thing I know, she's walking through the door with a gift bag that says "CONGRATULATIONS!" and is full of products. Yeah... she was excited and we still joke about it to this day. Needless to say, when I have my own daughter, I'm going to have to one up my mom.
