Clean Up in Aisle 6

Amy B  •  Worthing, UK  •  21


I was going grocery shopping with my mum. I was 14 at the time and I knew about periods as mum had given me the talk. I was wearing white leggings and my vest top as it was summer and it was the weekend.

As I was in the middle of shopping, I felt this wet sort of feeling drip down my leg. I ran off to the toilets inside Tesco and my whole bottom area of leggings and down my leg had blood on them and my underwear was completely covered. Mum phoned me as she couldn't find me at all. I was too embarrassed to say to her in the first place that I was running to the toilet so I just went. I told her I was in the bathroom and I'd just started my period and it was everywhere. I told her I needed new trousers wet wipes, pads (preferably heavy ones), nappy sacks and new underwear.

Amy B First Period Story

She ran around to get them and within 10 minutes, she handed them to me and I sorted myself out. I came out of the toilet and we were going to WHSmith's for a drink and the same thing happened again. I leaked everywhere so I told mum this time I was going to the toilet and she said she'd be with me in a minute.

I took the bag of my stuff and went to the toilet and had to change my pad and underwear as I'd leaked. Mum met me outside the bathrooms and she drove me home asap so I could have a bath. Even then in the bath, I had to keep changing the water as I was bleeding into it. My first period dragged on for 11 days.

Amy B First Period Stories