Camp Period

Kirsty T •  Victoria •  48


I was at camp when I got it. It was a school camp that lasted a week! I was very excited so I did not listen to my mom saying that I might get a period then and I did not bring any sanitary items. When we got to camp, we set up a tent and got it ready to go to bed and then we had showers. Before I did that, I felt something wet on my vagina but I thought it was just discharge. Afterwards, I was getting ready to get in my sleeping bag and my tent partner told me I had a big red streak on my pajamas. I was soooooooooooooo embarrassed!

Kirsty T First Period Story

Now everyone would know and my period would last 7 days. What's more is no one had brought sanitary items! I thought that I should put toilet paper in my knickers and get over it, so I did. The next morning, the whole bit of my sleeping bag near my vagina was red. My partner lent me a mirror and I saw my best pajamas were ruined. I tearfully trudged to the teacher, and everyone saw me having blood going down my legs, even the boys. I decided to never ever forget sanitary items again and I still don't to this day.

Kirsty T First Period Stories