Birdhouse Breakdown

Heather T  •   Connecticut  •  31


It was 3 days before school let out for summer break in 6th grade. I think it was 3rd period maybe, right before lunch. That week, for some reason, we were building bird houses as a "gift" to the school. We were put into groups of 4 and had to work together to follow the instructions on how to build this thing, and then we were going to paint them. I don't remember why, but I snapped at one of my team members about something and I remember thinking, woah - where did that come from?? I was seriously pissed off.

Heather T First Period Story

When the bell rang I stopped in the girls room before heading to the cafeteria for lunch. I knew the second I pulled my underwear down and saw the dreaded brown/red spot what was happening. The two month health unit we had to sit through in 5th grade actually paid off. And thanks to my teacher at the time, for giving us the advise to keep a pad in our backpacks just in case, I was prepared!

I remember feeling like I was wearing a diaper and that EVERYONE would be able to tell. I was of course too embarrassed to tell my mom, so I didn't for 2 days. She found out when my genius plan of dumping a used pad in her bathroom trashcan, thinking she would just assume it was hers, backfired. It never occurred to me she wasn't on hers too!

Heather T First Period Stories