Big Red Button

Carly P •  Louisiana •  19


Okay. So mine isn’t too bloody but I have a funny one that happened a few years later that I will include at the end as a bonus!

Okay, so I started mine a little late. I was in seventh grade if I remember right. It was the day before Christmas break and I was gonna be heading out of town with my girls for the celebration of the lights up north. I had been having bad cramps so I figured I would be starting soon. It wasn’t like I didn’t know what a period was at this point. I had to pee really badly, so I asked to go and I brought the emergency bag I had with me in case. So I went pee. No blood. Okay.

About twenty minutes later, I had to pee again. Okay, weird but not enough to raise a red flag yet. So I just went to the same stall I was in earlier and I noticed that there was some bloody toilet paper on the ground. I thought nothing of it. I picked it up and flushed it. Then I looked down. Fuck a duck to Tuesday street. It was me. I missed the toilet with the paper the last time I went pee. My underwear was ruined. I was lucky my mom packed an extra pair of underwear. My god, that was one of the most painful periods of all time. I remember biting through a pillow during the cramps.

Carly P first period story

Okay, now for the funny one. So I was in my dad's truck after a half day of exams. I had run out of pads and we were in the drive thru at the pharmacy. I told him that we need to get home like now. He asked me why and I was blunt as ever. "Because my pad is gonna explode and I just ran out of extras!" He told me to run in the pharmacy and grab some. I’m like hold up! Pads are not cough drops. You can’t just grab whatever is on the shelf. It's personal. And you do not get the wrong products when a woman is on her period. That is like pushing the big red button and this is a big red button you don’t wanna press.

That’s my story. Hope y’all enjoyed. Have a great day.

Carly P first period stories