A Bloody Mess

Byleth E •  United States •  12

This one is a long one. I’m 12 years old and this happened two weeks ago at school (schools are open in our area).

So I was in class wearing a skirt and I felt something wet. I look down and see blood trickling down my leg. At first I thought I cut myself on the desk or something, but then I realized it was my period. I’m really shy but at this point it was starting to create a puddle so I asked my MALE teacher if I could use the bathroom and of course, he said yes. Probably because he saw my legs.

Byleth E first period story

I run to the bathroom and realize that I didn't have a pad because I didn’t expect it to come today. I didn’t want to see the school nurse because that’s scary, so I try to wipe it. But the school’s toilet paper is paper thin so it ripped and I got blood on my hands. And I think the toilet paper got stuck. I just decided to go back to the class and there I see a MALE janitor cleaning my mess.

My teacher said I could sit in the corner and I just put my head down and started crying (I’m a wimp). I barely made it through the day cause people always commented on my bloody skirt and legs. Before I walked home, I apologized to the janitor and teacher. At home my mom gave me a pad and told me to always be prepared. I hate middle school.

OMG I just realized it wouldn’t be too bad on Halloween.

Byleth E first period stories