Sketchy Science

Manisha C •  India •  18

So what happened was this. We were planning to go on a trip to Hyderabad but the day before the trip my brother fell ill. He was 1 1/2 years old and I was 11. I went with my father to buy some bread for the trip the next day and also some Crocin and fever medicines for my cute little brother. We went to a new bread shop that had just opened. Gosh gosh gosh like OMG!!! The new guy in the shop was so good looking. Clearly it was love. I had to fall for him.

I was dreaming of making love with him when suddenly my father took the Essar bread and jam from him and we went home. I was crying about the man and my father hit my head. (Fact to be noted: I am a lascivious person!) The handsome man at the store was also looking at me. I thought of him.

Manisha C first period stories

I came home and there was this brown blood in my... you know. I knew about periods from before. I'd heard from my science book that girls get pregnant when they think of a handsome person. But the opposite had happened, I thought to myself. I asked myself, did this brown and red blood come out as I thought of making love with the store man? I concluded I had reached the pregnancy age. I went to my mother and instead of worrying about me, she was worried about the trip because it would be the second day of my period when the trip started. She gave me some of her pads. The good thing was that my father was a feminist and he assured my mother that we can safely go for the trip. He assured her that it's nothing but my period. He has given me the freedom to do anything and I still sometimes speak to him about my period.

Manisha C first period stories

Walking to Womanhood

Sara M •  Missouri •  22

I was 10 years old. I didn't have a mom around to tell me anything. Any female people around me were all kinda stuck up and hush hush about everything. So I knew absolutely nothing. I hadn't heard anything from school yet, I knew nothing about what was going on.

So, one day at school I had the worst headache I had ever had and couldn't focus on my work. I kept asking the teacher if she could do anything but since I didn't have any medicine in the school she couldn't help me. Finally, we went to the bathroom as a class before lunch and when I wiped I saw bright red blood. I completely freaked out thinking I was actually dying since blood should not appear out of the body, especially there.

Sara M first period story

So I go back to the classroom only to find nobody there. Goody two-shoes that I was, instead of running terrified down to my teacher or the nurse, I fast walked without breaking rules to tell my teacher. She calmed me down and I called both my parents and told them what had happened.

After school, I called my mom again and before I could say anything "HI WOMAN!!!!!!!!" came out of her mouth. Absolutely mortified for the day.

Sara M first period stories

Foreign To Me

Summer D •  Perth, Australia •  16

It was 2016 and we were on a 6 week trip to America. As soon as we arrived, I went straight to bed and when I woke up to take a poop, there was blood in the toilet.

Summer D first period story

Keep in mind we didn’t bring any pads and we were in a country we didn’t know. My mum had to run to a chemist to get some pads. I thought I was dying!

Summer D first period stories