Halloween Party Period

Aurora B •  Switzerland •  24

I was almost 12. It was a very busy day in school and I hurried home to leave my things there and to change and then to hurry back because we had a Halloween party at school that day. But at home I went to the toilet and saw a little bit of blood. I was excited because I knew what it was, but also a bit scared because I haven't tried to use or open a pad before, I just saw my mum explaining it before. No one was home (mum was still at work and my older brother was at school). But I managed and went to the Halloween party and quite enjoyed it. I was thinking the whole time whether my pad could be seen and was very self-conscious, but also excited and liked having a cool secret.

Aurora B first period story

When I came home and told my mum excitingly, she reacted like it was bad news, like she was sad for me and it was an annoyance, which I think is the reason why I used to think that too for a long time.

I hope I'll have more positive reactions if I have daughters in the future. That first period was very light and short and they got longer and stronger a bit later. I wish I also used tampons earlier - I did since I was 19, but I should have tried sooner, they are so comfortable!

Aurora B first period stories

Two First Periods

Maddie L •  USA •  13

In the fourth grade, all of my friends got their periods except for me. I was obsessed with getting mine. I had a thing of pads in my bag and really wanted to get it. Fast forward to my thirteenth birthday. It was the best day ever. I got to spend it with my dad and mom and it was all around great. Well four days after, I had a little visitor. My PERIOD.

Now me being a newly teen girl, I thought it was spotting up until it lasted a few days. I never told my dad about my real first period because I didn't think he would believe me and I thought it would magically stop the next day. It didn't. But it wasn't bad either to be honest.

Fast forward about 2 months later. I get it again and I just play it off as my first and told my dad. He still doesn't know the truth. But he told my mom and my mom told her friend! So that was great. (Sarcasm!)

Maddie L first period story

Another story I have is the one time I missed my period for three months (since I missed it for so long, it was extremely heavy when it came back.) It was awful. I went to the toilet and saw it and it wasn't that bad so I didn't even wear a pad or anything. Well I woke up and not only was it snowing in Texas, but I had blood all over myself. I took a shower and I felt better.

That's not it though. I had some U by Kotex Totally Teen pads and leaked through those in five minutes and ran out. So I went to the corner store and got some off-brand ones and leaked through those. Needless to say, I slept on a towel that night and in the morning my dad got me some maxi pads. The end.

Maddie L first period stories

Suspicious Substance

Lilly B •  New Zealand •  16

So... I was home alone for a bit and "it" was itchy so I just went for it... (Ew, I know!) I noticed some brown stuff and assumed i'd pooped myself.

Lilly B first period story

I went to the bathroom and found more of this suspicious brown stuff. Then I figured out it was my period and it turned red a day or so later. I was really convinced I'd pooped myself though!

Lilly B first period stories