Longest Ride Ever

Leanne E •  Massachusetts •  31

I was walking down the hallway at school on my way to the bus for dismissal. A kind friend ran up behind me and told me to take her sweatshirt and tie it around my waist. I was mortified the whole bus ride home. I sat in the front seat and I don’t think I talked to anyone the whole ride because I was so anxious that I would stain my friend’s sweater AND the bus seat. Longest. Ride. Ever.

Leanne E first period story

I was grateful my mom was home from work that day. I cried from embarrassment as soon as I walked in and she saw what was up. She helped me immediately get cleaned up and situated with my very first pad. Enter: womanhood.

Leanne E first period stories

From Shame to Celebration

Maja S •  United Kingdom •  25

My first period was definitely not expected. I was fourteen and although I knew about periods and had started to have some discharge, I don’t remember having any period symptoms. It was a Monday and I was in drama club when I went to the toilet and saw my stained underwear. I grabbed my bag and rushed home.

Although my mum had already passed through menopause, she had kept a packet of pads at home ready for me to use (thanks, mom). It seemed to be a very “normal” thing and she didn't make a big deal of it at all. Looking back now, I believe that periods are a very beautiful, sacred process and I would have loved for my first bleed to be more celebrated. I know that if I ever have a daughter, I’d be sure to throw her a first period party.

Maja S first period story

For the next week or so, I was going to school with a constant fear of leaking through my skirt. I would go to the toilet with a pad up my sleeve every hour or so to check whether the pad was leaking through and needed changing. I’m not quite sure where the shame and fear of my period came from but the need to be somewhat “discreet” comes to mind. It was as if no one should know the real reason for my frequent bathroom visits. And that no one should see the pad under my sleeve or hear the sound of the packaging in the toilets.

I would love to see periods normalised even MORE. I hope that young teens and tweens in the near future don’t ever think twice about asking a period-related question or about sharing experiences. I’m passionate about breaking taboos surrounding menstruation which is why I created a special program called “pillow yoga for periods”. Through this program, I hope that women, girls and all people with periods can find relief and talk about their physical and mental experiences during the week of their bleed.

Maja S first period stories

Starting in Secret

Grace K •  California •  13

I got my period on the first day of 7th grade online school. I woke up and went to the bathroom and saw a stain on my underwear. I knew what to do when I got my period, so I went to the bathroom and got a bunch of pads which I stashed in my room.

Grace K first period story

I didn't know how to tell my mom, so I didn't tell anyone for 6 months. I got it in August and ended up telling my mom on New Years.

Grace K first period stories