Bloody Rugby

Brin K •  Alberta, Canada •  13

I was 9 the day of that amazing health class where they tell you about periods. I was playing rugby with my team and I was the only girl.

Brin K first period story

Then one of my guy friends came up behind me saying there was blood running down my shorts and my legs.

Brin K first period stories

Little Woman

Sahana D •  Bangalore, India •  13

I was 11. Due to be 12. Let me tell you one thing- it was kind of normal. There was one slight problem though. I just couldn't sleep! I was too afraid to leak, you see.

Sahana D first period story

I was sketching and I felt something wet in my pants. My mum was planning to watch Little Women with me and the weird thing was that I had my first period and became a woman that very day!

Sahana D first period stories

Pandemic Period

Ava E •  New Jersey •  12

So it was the second day of 7th grade and it was virtual so I sat at my desk for 5 hours straight. Then as usual, I went downstairs and had lunch and I had to pee. So I went to the bathroom and realized what had happened. I never felt it so I was so shocked.

Ava E first period story

I knew what it was so I wasn't scared but I was scared to tell my mom. So I called my cousin who is basically my bestie and she is the same age as me. Then, when my mom was alone (about 15 min later) I told her. She was like "congrats!" and made me get cleaned up and stuff. She made me use organic pads. Then we had a "celebration" on my third day which was probably the most embarrassing part of it all!

This happened exactly 2 months ago. :)

Ava E first period stories