Period Panty Stash

Ele S •  London, England •  15


I got it the day before my 14th birthday, March 1st. I was mortified about telling my mum so I didn’t. I realised as time went by, I would have to tell her sooner or later but I didn’t. I continued to hide it.

Ele S first period story

July came and my brother was finishing primary school. My mum was looking for my leavers shirt in my wardrobe and she came across the 15 or so bloody underwear I had stashed there. We had a big talk and I don’t hide anything since then!

Ele S first period stories

Sketchy Sheets

Emily T •  Ottawa, Canada •  19


I was 12 and my family and I were staying at my dad’s friend’s house for the night. I woke up the next morning to blood but I didn’t have any products and I was too shy to say anything.

Emily T first period story

So once we got home, I told my dad and I started crying. We called my mom and then he had to call his friend to check the sheets. It was embarrassing!

Emily T first period story

Bloody Boyfriend

Emma L •  Nevada •  23


So I was in intermediate school with my now-boyfriend, J. We were on the playground when he screamed about my pants being bloody. I looked and there was a huge blood stain on my pants. I freaked out thinking I was dying (like most do) and went to the nurse. The nurse did nothing and got mad at me for wasting her time.

Emma L first period story

I was to go to J's house after school because we were working on a project. At his house, I still had the bloodstain and it was getting worse. His grandma noticed and pulled me aside to explain. I was humiliated, but she gave me a pad so we could continue on with our project. J asked what happened and I reluctantly explained. He didn't seem too disgusted with it and we're together so I guess it doesn't bother him that much!

Emma L first period stories