Famous First Period

Anonymous •  California •  23


When I got my first period, I happened to be at my best friend's house who lived with her father. Her father happened to be a very famous actor on a well known TV Show.

Anonymous First Period Story

Years later, I turned on the episode of the TV show only to find out my first period story was being reenacted with actors, including crying to the father, tampons being thrown across the room and blood everywhere! Okay, not everywhere, but you get the point. SO embarrassing.

First Period Stories

Camp Period

Kirsty T •  Victoria •  48


I was at camp when I got it. It was a school camp that lasted a week! I was very excited so I did not listen to my mom saying that I might get a period then and I did not bring any sanitary items. When we got to camp, we set up a tent and got it ready to go to bed and then we had showers. Before I did that, I felt something wet on my vagina but I thought it was just discharge. Afterwards, I was getting ready to get in my sleeping bag and my tent partner told me I had a big red streak on my pajamas. I was soooooooooooooo embarrassed!

Kirsty T First Period Story

Now everyone would know and my period would last 7 days. What's more is no one had brought sanitary items! I thought that I should put toilet paper in my knickers and get over it, so I did. The next morning, the whole bit of my sleeping bag near my vagina was red. My partner lent me a mirror and I saw my best pajamas were ruined. I tearfully trudged to the teacher, and everyone saw me having blood going down my legs, even the boys. I decided to never ever forget sanitary items again and I still don't to this day.

Kirsty T First Period Stories

Middle School Mishap

Sonya R •  France •  30


I went to middle school on this day and I didn't know how my flow would be. We were all in class and blood went through my jeans and on to the chair I was sitting on. It was so stressful to manage, first for no one to notice then to clean the chair without anyone noticing!

Sonya R First Period Stories

Fortunately I had a spare jacket that I wore over my jeans, then I could take care of the mess! I was very happy to manage it this way but when I think about it today, it shouldn't have been that much big deal. It's okay to have an accident during your period and we should help each other!

Sonya R first period stories