Rad Dad

Amulya D •  India •  18

In the year 2016, it was on Diwali morning; Diwali is a traditional Indian festival that is often called the “festival of lights.” I was changing my clothes after having showered, and I felt something wrong with my stomach, it was an uneasy feeling, and then I noticed blood. I had no idea how to deal with this situation. I faintly recalled my aunts telling me about periods, so I was aware of it, but I ended up freaking out when it actually happened to me.

I couldn't remember what they told me to do when that moment was actually here. So, I called out for my dad to help me, and as I was freaking out, my father also got worried and called one of his sisters to find out what he could do. He listened to the instructions my aunt gave him and later taught me how to use a sanitary pad.

Amulya D First Period Story

Being a single parent he made sure that I was comfortable in having these conversations with him . My father made it easy for me to have conversations regarding periods or any related matters with him. I was grateful that my dad didn't let me feel awkward or weird about have the period talk with him. Where everyone frowns upon mentions of menstruation before 'a man', as if it were some sort of sin, I am really glad that my father made it so that i was able to be open about it, and talk about menstruation without feeling ashamed.

This One Time at Band Camp…

Krista W •  Michigan •  28

I first got my period when I was away at sleep away band camp for 2 weeks the summer between 6th and 7th grade. This was one of those *prestigious* band camps you had to audition for, and the only reason my parents let me go was because I got a scholarship. I was going with my best friend at the time. We were sharing the same cabin and same bunk. We even choreographed a dance for the talent show. This was like peak 13 year old girl energy.

The entire first week I spent in the nurse’s office because I was having strange stomach pains that I never experienced before (period cramps). They kept telling me it was constipation from dehydration. This was very much possible, because (of course) Michigan was experiencing an unseasonably warm 100 degree heat wave.

One night, I woke up to a hot sticky mess. Blood was everywhere. It was in my underwear, sheets, pajamas. I did not know what to do. Luckily, I had my best friend there to help me. She had all but probably 2 or 3 periods in her life herself, but she taught me how to use a pad. Of course I didn’t pack extra underwear, or shorts, or sheets. My cabin leader was a not very nice person, and she did not let me put anything in the laundry except for the band camp uniform (blue collared shirt and navy shorts). I was mortified. All week I had to sleep in my bloody pajama shorts and bloody sheets. I cried myself to sleep because I was so embarrassed. I don’t understand how she had zero empathy for me.

I do not look back fondly on my band camp memories. The band camp was named Blue Lake, and I jokingly refer to it now as Red Lake.

Christmas Jammies

Hailey S •  Arizona •  24

It was Christmas eve. I had woken up to what I thought was poop in my panties. (Which after I had realized was blood.) So I went to my room and grabbed a new pair of underwear and one of my mom's pads out of the cabinet.

Hailey S first period story

I went back into the bathroom, changed underwear, tossed them, and put the pad on... Then I decided it was a great time to finally tell my mother about this... I was so shocked yet calm at the same time. And ironically, my Christmas PJ's were white.

first period stories gift