Women's Day

Anonymous •  India •  16

I got my first period on International Women's Day! It was the morning and I got up from my bed. My mom and grandma wished me a happy International Women's day and I said, "I am still not a woman until my period arrives."

Manshree V first period stories

THEN, I went to the restroom and I saw that I got it. That really was the real women's day for me!

Manshree V first period stories

Birthday Present

Anonymous •  Canada •  12

The day before I started, I was at a birthday party for me and my cousin whose birthday is the day before mine. (She's 2 years younger though.) I was too tired to bike and my other cousin, who is a year older than me and is a boy, asked me if I was having "girl problems." Me, being the tomboyish girl I am, said, "well you have brain problems then."

Romeesa F first period story

He shut up. The next day was my actual birthday. I got up from gardening to go to the bathroom. That was when it happened. My first thought was "ouch!" My second thought was "welp, time to actually put a hijab on." At least I got my cravings for chocolate cake taken care of!

Romeesa F first period stories

Mom's Spaghetti

Laurie L •  Mississippi •  42

My first period started when I was 12. I was the first in my friend group. I discovered the brown stain on my underwear right as my family was sitting down for a spaghetti dinner. I took the panties off, hid them in a shopping bag, and buried them in the trash. I was very much in denial. Surely this isn't what it is!

Laurie L first period story

The BAD story is the day I first used a tampon. I didn't know how long they were supposed to be used, so I only went to school with that one in. No backup plan. I was a cheerleader and we had a pep rally that afternoon. Do not ask me why we had WHITE BLOOMERS that year! I didn't realize that I had leaked profusely, or maybe I did and just didn't know what else to do... I've blocked out much of that day. There were many flips, toe-touches, etc, all done with my giant blood stain in front on the entire high school. Oh dear. Oh goodness.

Laurie L first period stories