100% Confused

Angel S •  England •  20

I was nearly 12 and a half. We were on a cruise holiday and one of the places we stopped off was Morocco. We were on a Coach tour and when we stopped off at a place, I went to the toilet and this is when I started my period.

Angel S first period stories

Despite receiving sex education, including education about periods, I wasn’t 100% sure if this was my period or an infection. Luckily, my first period didn’t last long in the first cycle.

Angel S first period stories

A Girl With A Crush

Myra A •  India •  12

I had just turned 11 and me and my crush were playing volleyball as usual. Suddenly, one of my friends fell and hurt herself. We went to see her in the clinic and I felt something wet in my panties. I thought, "it must be discharge, let it go!"

Myra A first period story

But then I went to bathroom and saw some blood. I was really excited that my period had come. My crush saw a stain on my skirt and he gave me his jacket to tie around my waist. Then I went back to the clinic to take a pad!

Myra A first period stories

Years of Preparation

Eva O •  Australia •  15

Me and my family were starting to get worried because I am almost 16 and I hadn’t gotten it.

Eva O first period story

But today, I was in a rush to pee because it was almost the end of lunch and I look down and there was a bloody spot on my undies. Luckily for me though, I've carried around pads since year 6.

Eva O first period stories