Periods Are No Picnic

Anonymous •  Czech Republic •  12


I got my first period today. I got it at a picnic but thankfully it didn’t leak. I was on a blanket with my friend so it wouldn’t be that bad but right when I got home and found out, my first thought was: "did I poop myself?" because it was brown.

First Period Stories

And then I told my mom and it was soooooooooooo awkward and it is still because she’s constantly talking about it and I hate it. Also before I got it I was like: "I wanna get it sooooo badly." But now I’m just like: "why can’t I be a late boomer?" Periods suck.

First Period Stories

My Little Lady

Nikita N •  South Africa •  14


I was at a netball match and I felt wet a few seconds before we started playing. I went to the bathroom to check and there it was: my first period. I was too scared to ask for a pad and I remembered my mom made me pack an emergency kit for my period.

Nikita N first period story

Turns out, there were no pads. Just liners. I put on a liner and rolled my underwear with toilet paper. I was so uncomfortable while playing. After the match, I told my mom everything and she gave me the biggest hug and said, “My little Lady.”

Nikita N first period stories

Left Out & Stressed Out

Anonymous •  Texas •  14


For as long as I can remember, I always wanted my period. Well, ever since third grade when my whole friend group started on the same exact day and time except for me.

I got mine on June 2nd, three days after I turned 14. I got red discharge and I just thought I was spotting until the "spotting" lasted three days.

first period stories

So I told my dad I was spotting but when I figured out I actually started my period, I never told him. I didn't want him to get me pads and then me stop bleeding and him not believe me.

Well, there we go. That was my first period and I'm currently waiting for my second one. Also, on my first one, I had no cramps whatsoever.

First Period Stories