Lesson Learned

Beloslava L •  Bulgaria •  13


My period came a week after a teacher talked about periods in school. It was Wednesday and I literally thought I was dying. I hopped into the shower thinking it will go away but guess what....it didn’t.

Beloslava L First Period Story

Then it got to my mind–it was my period. I was really nervous. When I told my mom I started crying. Then on the next day in school I put my pad wrong and the whole class saw and I was really embarrassed.

Beloslava L First Period Stories

Unconnected Cramps

Anonymous •  England •  28


I'd had terrible cramps for days, like real stabbing pains which I just didn't think to connect to starting my period. I was 12 and remember going to the bathroom and seeing red in my knickers.

Laura W First Period Story

I panicked and went straight to my mum who sat me down and showed me what to do. We got a takeaway to make me feel better.

Laura W First Period Stories

From Nothing to Something

Jaz P •  Melbourne, Australia •  14


I had known about periods and what to expect for a long time, and I was late compared to my friends to get mine. Even though I was happy I didn't have it, I almost did want it to happen. When it finally came, I was sitting on the toilet.

It was 11 at night and I was about to go to bed. I looked at my undies and noticed a brown smudge. I had seen something similar a few months ago but nothing happened, so I thought nothing of it. It was only till I wiped I realized it was my period. The toilet paper was bright red!

Jaz P First Period Stories

I sat for a good 20 minutes, contemplating what to do. I didn’t even have any emotions about it, I felt blank. Eventually I waddled to my mum in the lounge and told her. She seemed excited for me and showed me what to do. Luckily she had bought supplies for me a while ago! I am forever grateful for the support my parents give me, not just for my period!

Jaz P First Period Stories