Prepared with Pads

Brandi •  Texas  •  37


I was 12 years old and it was the summer of 1994. I was walking home from summer school and ran into my childhood crush named Daniel F. We talked for a bit and I continued my walk home. When I got home, I walked into the bathroom to pee and looked down at my underwear and saw IT!

Brandi First Period Stories

I knew what it was immediately. I was so nervous and embarrassed to call my mother at work, so I hid the fact that I got my period for months. I used my mother's pads in secret until she caught on.

Brandi First Period Story

Passing Period Notes

Alex C •  Oklahoma  •  17


When I got my first period, it was in the morning, the day before Father's Day, and my grandparents were staying over. They weren't supposed to leave until 6 pm that evening. Luckily, my friend (God bless her) had given me some pads because she said that one day it would catch me by surprise. And yes, it did.

Alex C First Period Story

I wrote down on a piece of paper that I had gotten my period and handed it to my mom. She read it, looked at me, and LAUGHED!! She went to the store and got me a bunch of stuff, and began educating me about it. Really embarrassing, but she seemed happy.

Alex C First Period Stories

Secret Scare

London T •  Georgia  •  16


I was at school and when I got home I had to use the bathroom. I used the bathroom and just happened to look at my pants. I thought I pooped myself!

London T First Period Story

I was so scared, and when I wiped there was more lol. I was so scared to tell anyone I started my period that I hid mine for the first 3 months.

London T First Period Stories